Модерен театър
Модерен театър
Регистрация на участниците
Откриване на Форума Красимир Гергов - Председател Българска асоциация на комуникационните агенции
Young Lions Bulgaria 2015 - Film Награждаване на победителите в конкурса Наградата ще бъде връчена от Дончко Барбалов Заместник-кмет, Столична община
София – иновации и интелигентна специализация Светлана Ломева, Деница Лозанова - Асоциация за развитие на София (свали презентацията)
Understanding Twitter Niall Horgan - Partner Manager EMEA Twitter (свали презентацията)
Reinventing the Agency Business Model for Digital Paris Childress - Google (свали презентацията)
Бъдещето на телевизията
проф. Ханс Мар - mahrmedia
Kафе пауза
Нивото на река Дунав и неговото влияние върху рекламните активности през 2014 Иво Цеков - Пиеро97 МА (свали презентацията)
EFFIE: Вкусът на успеха Димитър Стаматов - JTI (свали презентацията)
Обедна почивка
bTV МАСТЪРКЛАС с Андре, Виктор и Петър
Доверие в различните комуникационни канали през погледа на потребителя Цвети Димитрова - BluePoint (свали презентацията)
Lions talk* OGILVY & MATHER : COSMIC QUANDARIES AND CREATIVITY Speaker: NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON, Astrophysicist and Frederick P. Rose Director - Hayden Planetarium Tham Khai Meng, Worldwide Chief Creative Officer - Ogilvy & Mather
The Ogilvy & Inspire lecture series is a showcase for the most inspirational figures and brilliant minds of our age. These lectures help us unravel inspiration and grapple with its unruly impact. What truly creative people have in common is a persistent curiosity that motivates them to explore new ideas. Our fourth Ogilvy & Inspire address will be delivered by American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. In his illustrated talk, “Cosmic Quandaries and Creativity,” Dr. Tyson will explore the drivers of creative thinking across cultures and across time, with special emphasis on the cosmic discovery and its role in the health and wealth of civilization.
Kафе пауза
Lions talk* WHAT'S GREAT, WHAT'S NOT, WHAT'S NEXT? (AND IF YOU'RE NOT PREPARED TO ASK A QUESTION, DON'T COME) Speaker: SIR JOHN HEGARTY - Founder, Creative - BBH DAVID DROGA - Founder, Creative Chairman - Droga5
Two of the most inspirational creatives take the stage in a special session to say what they really think about the advertising industry and how it is responding to the many challenges it faces. Sir John Hegarty won the first ever Lion of St Mark Award at Cannes in 2011 in tribute to his outstandingly successful creative career. He was a founding shareholder at Saatchi & Saatchi in 1970, founding Creative Director at TBWA London, and with his own name above the door at Bartle Bogle Hegarty has gone on to enjoy over 30 years of success, winning virtually every creative award in the process. David Droga founded Droga5 in New York in 2006 and is not only one of the most awarded individuals in the history of the Cannes Lions Festival, but he is also the youngest person ever inducted into the New York Art Directors Club Hall of Fame. Previously, he was Worldwide Creative Director of the Publicis Network, Executive Creative Director of Saatchi and Saatchi London and Regional Creative Director of Saatchi Asia. In 2013, Droga5 sold a significant minority stake to William Morris Endeavour in a strategic move to better serve both entities’ clients. In this unique seminar, these two inspirational creative leaders will try to put wrongs to right, dare to say the un-say-able and attempt to nail the real issues facing the industry today. Their work has and continues to shape this industry and their unvarnished opinions should make this a rare conversation not to be missed.
Представяне на наградените реклами от фестивала Cannes Lions 2014
*Ексклузивни прожекции на две от най-забележителните лекции от рекламния фестивал в Кан през 2014 г.